[hobbit] Roracle

Everett, Vernon Vernon.Everett at woodside.com.au
Thu Nov 8 03:29:23 CET 2007

Hi Ryan
First off, please don't call me "sir". I am neither a knight of the
realm, nor a military officer, and damn proud of it. :-)
I have two Oracle tools.
The first one, ora-alert is a simple script I cobbled together to
monitor the alert logs.
You set it up to run on the client as documented in the Hobbit help
pages, and it needs an alert log tab file called 
This needs to contain the Oracle SID and the alert log file.
It will go yellow whenever an ORA error is generated, and red for an
ORA-00600 (Feel free to modify as required)
Output on the Hobbit detailed view will include the log entry.
Pretty simple, and so short, I include it below.
The other is a very comprehensive database monitor, which is a slightly
modified bb-roracle script
(Unfortunately, I had many problems getting bb-roracle to run with the
default Solaris version of ksh, and had to modify the script quite a
I downloaded a different version of ksh, which I have unfortunately no
longer have - despite what I said in an earlier mail :-(
I also do not remember what version it was.
You can put any new ksh binary anywhere you want, as long as the #!
entry on the first line of your script points to it.
However, on looking again, I think the original roracle was designed to
work with pdksh, available here http://web.cs.mun.ca/~michael/pdksh/
My reason for thinking this is this piece of code in bb-roracle, 
    #cat $BBTMP/TABLESPACE.${ORACLE_SID}.$$|while read inTables;do
    while read inTables;do
Although both of these lines do the same thing in a different way, this
is a common workaround for a pdksh bug.
	From the pdksh docs -  `echo hi | read x' does not set x in the
current shell - the read is done in a separate process
Download pdksh, and see if you can get bb-roracle working with it. I am
sure if it works, it will be better than my hacked version.
The other downside, is, I have completely forgotten how I implemented
the defaults, or if I used bb-roracle or bb-voracle script. (I think it
was bb-voracle, but both are included to cover my butt)
Download the bb-roracle from deadcat and check the docs, and do a diff
with my files.
I also recall there being a $BBHOME/etc/bb-roracle.def which contained
all the definitions and defined a $ORATAB
I think $ORATAB contianed the SID and the alert log location, but I
can't be sure any more.
Again, check what's in the original bb-roracle.
Sorry I can't be more helpful, but it has been a long time since I
worked as a DBA and monitored Oracle with Hobbit, and I have forgotten a
(A lesson to the rest of you - document everything you do, or you might
end up like me)
I also thought I had more than just the scripts, which might be pretty
useless without the correct version of ksh.
Have fun and good luck.
P.S. In line with the mailing list "no attachments" policy, I will mail
you the files direct.
Anybody else who wants them, flick me an email.
cat ora-alert.ksh


# Get the list of alert logs
	if [ -f $BBHOME/tmp/ALERT.$ORACLE_SID ]
		LastLine=$(cat $BBHOME/tmp/ALERT.$ORACLE_SID)
		# Could be the first time run
	FileLen=$(wc -l $LOG_FILE | awk '{ print $1 }')
	tail +$LastLine $LOG_FILE > $BBHOME/tmp/Log.$ORACLE_SID 
	# We can now look at the most recent additions to the Log file
	[ $FileLen -lt $LastLine ] && LastLine=0 # The log was truncated
	[ $FileLen -eq $LastLine ] && echo "No new entries in log file"
	echo "$FileLen" > $BBHOME/tmp/ALERT.$ORACLE_SID 
	grep "^ORA-" $BBHOME/tmp/Log.$ORACLE_SID > /dev/null &&
	grep "^ORA-00600" $BBHOME/tmp/Log.$ORACLE_SID > /dev/null &&
	echo "" > $OutFile
	echo $LOG_FILE >> $OutFile 
	echo "" >> $OutFile
	cat $BBHOME/tmp/Log.$ORACLE_SID >> $OutFile
	echo "" >> $OutFile
	echo "" >> $OutFile
	$BB $BBDISP "status ${ORACLE_SID}.oraalert $COLOUR $(date) $(cat
	rm $OutFile
done < $BBHOME/etc/alert_log.tab



From: Ryan Jay B. Lapuz [mailto:rlapuz at fcpp.fujitsu.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 8 November 2007 9:59 AM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Roracle

Hi sir!
I'm running oracle on solaris sparc. Could you please help me make it
work. Right now I'm still monitoring tablespace manually because I was
not able to implement it with hobbit. Please make the procedure as
simple as possible because I have limited knowledge in oracle.
Thank you very much!

	----- Original Message ----- 
	From: Everett, Vernon <mailto:Vernon.Everett at woodside.com.au>  
	To: hobbit at hswn.dk 
	Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 7:38 AM
	Subject: RE: [hobbit] Roracle

	Hi Stefan
	If by Roracle you refer to bb-roracle script available from
deadcat, then yes, I have used it. (This contract, a few years back.
Still have the scripts and ksh binary)
	Damn useful, once you get it working. Gave some good info. I
don't think it did any graphing, but I may be wrong.
	The problem I encountered had to do with the subtle differences
between different implementations of ksh. I suspect this is where you
are getting stuck too.
	Yes, ksh differs from one version to the next, and the
implementation I had on my server (Solaris Sparc) was just never going
to work.
	Eventually, I got so fed up, I downloaded a different version of
ksh, and put it in the ~hobbit directory structure, and changed the #!
line to point to the new ksh.
	It was a horrible fix, but the best I could do under the
circumstances. :-(
	If you are running Solaris on Sparc, I can send you what I have,
but if you on a different architechture and OS, you are pretty much on
your own.


	From: Stefan van der Walt [mailto:skjoldar at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, 6 November 2007 10:18 PM
	To: hobbit at hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] Roracle
	Have any of you installed this addon into hobbit?
	The instructions are sparse, and I just need to know how to get
the client to know the 
	addon is there?
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