Single notification.

Peters, Ron rpeters at
Thu May 31 23:07:44 CEST 2007

Is it possible to set up hobbit to send only a singe notification/resolution message for a host that may have multiple issues?  If I have a host that has 6 monitors, if the host goes down (or some other large problem that trips those monitors) there is a message sent for each of the 6.  If I disable the monitoring on that host, I then receive 6 individual 'resolved' messages.  This problem multiplies the more hosts I have being monitored.

Is there a way to have only a single notification/resolution for an individual host that contains all the messages that would normally be sent separately?

Also, when I disable a monitor for a host, can that action NOT send a 'resolved' message but still leave the resolved messages in place?

Thanks in advance.
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