[hobbit] bb-hosts include format

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Sat May 5 23:51:41 CEST 2007

On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 05:33:51PM -0400, Galen Johnson wrote:
> What is the format for the bb-hosts include directive?  

  include FILENAME
  directory DIRNAME

The latter reads all files in the directory, except
- files beginning with a dot .
- files ending with a tilde ~
- files ending with ",v"

The filenames in DIRNAME are sorted alphabetically before being read.

> I know you can use the full path...where would a relative filename be 
> relative from? 

It's relative to the directory where the original file was located.

> Can it handle variables like $BBHOME?


> I need to know in order to make the notes script follow the 
> definitions. (assuming the dispinclude and netinclude follow the 
> same principle)

You could take a shortcut, and instead of reading FILENAME directly, 
you'd just read the output from "bbhostshow FILENAME". That takes care
of the include+directory handling.


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