[hobbit] vmstat "b" graph

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Tue Jul 24 19:03:17 CEST 2007

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 12:01:48PM -0400, Scott Walters wrote:
> I am requesting an additional graph in the trends page specifically
> for the "b" DS of the vmstat rrd.  This DS might not exist for all
> *IX, but for most.
> Forgive me if this is configurable, I still picking up the details of
> hobbit functionality.

Two things you need to do:

1) Add a definition for this graph to hobbitgraphs.cfg, e.g.
	TITLE I/O Blocked processes
	LINE2:procb#00CC00:Blocked processes
   (you can of course include any other RRD stuff you want).

2) Add this graph to the TRENDS setting for your host: On the host
   entry in bb-hosts, add "TRENDS:*,vmstat:vmstat|vmstat11


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