[hobbit] Ports and Alerts

Jones, Jason (Altrincham) JasonAS_Jones at mentor.com
Mon Jan 15 12:28:25 CET 2007

One way, though not ideal, would be to have hobbit call a script and in the script grep the input received from hobbit to see if the desired port is red and then continue to send the sms if it is or exit if one of the others are down.




From: Guðmundur Ö. Ingvarsson [mailto:Gudmundur.Ingvarsson at landsbanki.is] 
Sent: 15 January 2007 09:42
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Ports and Alerts




I'm trying to use the hobbit to send me an sms when ports are flaggin red. However I only want this some some of the ports

of a host and not all. I'm unsure on how to filter that in the hobbit-alerts.cfg settings.

Currently this is how it's set up


HOST=%(host1|host2|host3).* SERVICE=ports COLOR=RED


This is from my hobbit-clients.cfg



        PORT "LOCAL=%([.:]7230)$" STATE=% min=1 max=160 TRACK=eb "TEXT=EB"

        PORT "REMOTE=%([.:]1521)$" STATE=% min=1 max=600 TRACK=oracle "TEXT=Oracle"

        PORT "REMOTE=%([.:]6611)$" STATE=% min=0 max=600 TRACK=rb "TEXT=RB"


Can I define further the service bit to filter out the ports I don't want? I would only like to receive alerts in SMS for the remote ports.


Guðmundur Örn Ingvarsson
Landsbanki Íslands hf.
Kerfisstjóri / Systems Engineer
Upplýsingatæknisvið / Information Technology - UNIX

Sími / Tel.: (+354)  410 6730
Farsími / Mobile: (+354)  820 5074
Fax: (+354)  410 3032
gudmundur.ingvarsson at landsbanki.is
www.landsbanki.is <http://www.landsbanki.is/> 

http://www.landsbanki.is/disclaimer <http://www.landsbanki.is/disclaimer> 

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