[hobbit] Multiple graphs same window

James Wade jkwade at futurefrontiers.com
Thu Dec 6 18:19:22 CET 2007

I never got an answer back on this one.

Any help would be appreciated.




Is there a way to have multiple graphs of different types on

the same test page?





From: James Wade [mailto:jkwade at futurefrontiers.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 12:27 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Multiple graphs same window


Hello All,


I've written a single test that gathers sar cpu usage,

and have it working great now, graph and all.


However, I'd like to do different types of graphs and

pull in other data.


Is there a way to display multiple graphs in the same

window? Example:  I've got sar reporting %usr, %sys, %wio, 

and %idle.  When you click on the sar button, you get

a CPU Utilization type graph that uses all of these to graph.


However, I want to just show total cpu utilization in another

graph.. ie. 100-idle, I have this graph working actually

 on the trends and metrics report.


But how can I get the two graphs to appear on the "sar"

page?  ie. How does Hobbit know which graph to display

and it can display more than one?






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