[hobbit] Hobbit Client as a Service on Solaris 10
Johann Eggers
Johann.Eggers at teleatlas.com
Thu Dec 6 11:47:48 CET 2007
This is already documented on The Shire:
From: Everett, Vernon [mailto:Vernon.Everett at woodside.com.au]
Sent: Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007 02:25
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Hobbit Client as a Service on Solaris 10
Hi all
I have set up my Hobbit clients to run (and auto-start) as a service on
Solaris 10.
Thought I would share this with the list.
(If I have reinvented the wheel, then apologies for cluttering the list,
but I couldn't find anything like this anywhere else)
T.J. Are you still looking after the Hobbit Wiki?
If enough people find this guide useful, it might be good to add it to
the Wiki.
For those of you familiar with Solaris 10, you should know about
services, but for some, adding new ones is a little tricky.
To get Hobbit working as a sevice we need to do the following.
Create the file /var/svc/manifest/application/hobbit.xml
In it, put the following
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM
Copyright 2007 Vernon Everett - vernon(a)everett.co.za
Free for use and distibution for non-commercial purposes.
No warranty exists either implicit or implied.
Standard disclaimer applies.
Commercial use is subject to license terms.
<service_bundle type='manifest' name='Hobbit-monitor:hobbit'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local'/>
<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user-server'
exec='/usr/lib/hobbit/client/runclient.sh start'
<method_credential user='hobbit'/>
exec='/usr/lib/hobbit/client/runclient.sh stop'
<method_credential user='hobbit' />
exec='/usr/lib/hobbit/client/runclient.sh restart'
timeout_seconds='10' >
<method_credential user='hobbit' />
<instance name='default' enabled='true' />
<stability value='Unstable' />
<loctext xml:lang='C'>
Hobbit Monitor Client
Take note of lines 37, 47 and 57, the lines that start "exec=". You may
need to edit the path to your Hob bit start script.
To avoid confusion or possible issues, shut down your hobbit client at
this point using the runclient script.
Now, as root, run the command
# svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/application/hobbit.xml
We should now have a service called hobbit.
# svcs | grep hobbit
online 9:23:05 svc:/application/hobbit:default
(It will probably have gone online at this point)
You can now treat it as you would a regular service.
If it hasn't gone online, kick it off as normal.
# svcadm enable hobbit
It may be necessary to do a disable and then an enable, but that should
get it going.
And because we have set the default as enabled, the service should start
automagically when you do a reboot.
Confirm it's all good by doing a # ps -efa | grep hobbit
All the usual scripts should be running.
If you don't want it as a serivce anymore, as root run
# svccfg delete hobbit.
This will remove the service, and allow you to continue running it from
the runclient script.
Have fun.
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