[hobbit] Solaris Hobbit for enterpise
T.J. Yang
tj_yang at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 16:34:16 CEST 2007
>From: "Mike Rowell" <Mike.Rowell at Rightmove.co.uk>
>Reply-To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>To: <hobbit at hswn.dk>
>Subject: RE: [hobbit] Solaris Hobbit for enterpise
>Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 15:25:27 +0100
>I have a semi HA solution in place although it's by no means a great
>solution, it works which is the main thing.
>I have 2 hobbit servers running and on the secondary (which is always the
>same server) I have a perl script that runs every 1 minute (using the
>hobbitlaunch.cfg file). If it notes the primary server is down it
>activates the secondary server as the primary alerting server and takes
>over the alerting. Once it detects the primary server is back up it falls
>back to secondary mode.
>I intend this year to implement a hobbit mesh of 3 primary hobbit servers
>each scanning it's own network subnet feeding data to each other so any of
>the 3 can be alerting but only one at a time, I will probably use SUN
>Cluster but havn't decided on the exact architecture for it yet so this may
Hi, Mike
In your concurrent architecture, the rrd databases will have to be start
from scratch. ie service failover but the data(rrd databases).
AVS for Solaris 10 looks like a promising solution to do disk mirroring over
tcp/ip (ie, similar to Linux's DRBD).
So the architecture I am looking at for Hobbit server on Solaris 10 is
SunCluster 3.2 + AVS to
construct a two nodes HB server that can fail over on both hb server and
data. see R1
Just planning stage... Don't know if it will really work.
Question in my mind so far is , how can I have hb server ip address fail
over from one router to another ?
R1: http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=142988
>From: T.J. Yang [mailto:tj_yang at hotmail.com]
>Sent: Sun 8/19/2007 2:54 PM
>To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>Subject: [hobbit] Solaris Hobbit for enterpise
>like http and https, ldap and ldaps the secure communication channels are
>usually requested by big organizaton. I am happy to see hobbit and hobbts
>ports can be done via stunnel.
>SNMP device monitoring cab be done via devmon perl script is also quite
>exciting to me.
>High Availability is the last solution I don't have. Without source code
>changes in hobbit server side
>I am thinking of using Sun Cluster 3.2 plus AVS or having hobbit server
>running as VMware sessions in VMWare with HA support.
>I am wondering how other solaris hobbit users tackle this HA requirement ?
>T.J. Yang
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