NFS and shared clientlaunch.cfg files
Michael Dunne
dunne at
Wed Aug 15 23:07:51 CEST 2007
Greetings fellow Hobbit-ers,
I was recently tasked with monitoring 100+ solaris systems. Feeling undaunted I reached into
my trusty IT toolbox and pulled out one of my favorite tools, Hobbit. What I encountered is
as followed.
The systems utilize NFS mounted directories. I installed the client files into /usr/local/
hobbit/client and voila! they were available to all of my systems. The issue that I encountered
was that I wished to run different external scripts per client, but with a "shared" clientlaunch
file I could not see how to do this. (This is where I cringe as I suspect that my solution is
rather naive) What I would up doing is modifying the file as reflected below:
~/client hobbit$ diff
< $0 --hostname="$MACHINEDOTS" stop
> $0 stop
< $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/bin/hobbitlaunch --config=$HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/
clientlaunch.cfg --log=$HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/clientlaunch.log --pidfile=
> $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/bin/hobbitlaunch --config=$HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/
$MACHINEDOTS.clientlaunch.cfg --log=$HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/
$MACHINEDOTS.clientlaunch.log --pidfile=$HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/clientlaunch.
< $0 --hostname="$MACHINEDOTS" stop
> $0 stop
< $0 --hostname="$MACHINEDOTS" --os="$BBOSTYPE" start
> $0 start
My questions are as followed.
Has anyone encountered this specific issue before, and if so how did you address it?
Does my, admittedly inelegant, solution pose any issues in relation to long term use?
I searched the list and was unable to find anything specific to my issue.
Thanks in advance for reading this missive.
Best regards,
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