[hobbit] Sending Hobbit alerts to numeric pager

Trent Melcher trent.melcher at sitel.com
Fri Aug 10 15:46:31 CEST 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 08:32 -0400, Manocchia, Robert wrote:
> I need to alert via a numeric page when a red alert happens for
> certain services (conn, disk etc…). The page number has the following
> format:
>   <areacode><number>@page.provider.com

Yes, you would just use it as a typical email address,  however I would
also recommend setting up something like quickpage(qpage)  to send pages
out via and local TAP or 800 TAP depending on your pager provider.  At
least use this to send you pages if your mailserver goes down or have
issue sending out emails, this way you still get your pages and know of
problems.  It does require a modem and phone line to be attahced to your
hobbbit server.  THis has saved us a few times when having network and
and mail server issues.

> We successfully send pages out via sendmail regularly via a script on
> another server.
>  How do I incorporate this method into Hobbit. Do I just use the MAIL
> keyword in hobbit-alerts.cfg or is there something else I need to do.
>  I’ve checked out all the documentation but cannot get a clue what to
> do.
> Robert Manocchia
> UNIX System Administrator
> IDEXX Laboratories
> 207 556-6860
> EMail Robert-Manocchia at idexx.com

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