[hobbit] Grouping alerts for multiple hosts. (purple)

Ralph Mitchell ralphmitchell at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 17:50:54 CEST 2007

On 8/1/07, Gregory Wege <gwege at infomanage.net> wrote:
>                 I'm in the process of upgrading from bb to hobbit. In BB I
> had written a few custom tests that would grep through the bb status logs
> for a group of hosts matching color purple, it would then report what it
> found  and bb would send out an alert based on the results.  This allowed me
> to monitor the status of our remote offices, if it went down I would receive
> a sms page.

The equivalent of "grepping through the bb status logs" would be the
hobbitdboard command.

     server/bin/bb localhost hobbitdboard | grep purple

The format of the information is:


All you need to do is reformat that so it fits into your existing BB script....

Ralph Mitchell

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