dbcheck, custom graphs and strange results

Gildas Le Nadan gn1 at sanger.ac.uk
Thu Sep 21 11:17:37 CEST 2006


I am trying to graph the value of the "Opens" value produced by dbcheck 
when monitoring mysql.

I defined the value as DERIVE in NCV_mysql instead of GAUGE, as this is 
a value that is growing while the mysql instance is running (if the 
mysql instance restart it restarts from 0).

For instance, I have the following:

time  | Opens | diff | graph'd | diff/graph'd
       | value | t'-t | value   | value
10:14 | 22732 |  -   |  -      |   -
10:19 | 22765 | +33  | 110m    | 3.33
10:24 | 22806 | +41  | 128m    | 3.12
10:29 | 22821 | +15  | 50m     | 3.33
10:34 | 22835 | +14  | 48m     | 3.2

I was expecting the graphed value to be equal to the diff value, but the 
units are wrong (m instead of unit), and the value is wrong as well 
(with a somewhat constant 3.xx ratio).

Any idea where this comes from? (I suspect this is me being stupid and 
not understanding some of the underlying rrd subtleties)


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