integrating help messages in alert pages

Stephane Caminade stephane.caminade at
Tue Oct 17 10:41:44 CEST 2006


Is there a way to configure some text to appear on the alert page, 
indicating some procedure to be used to solve said alert ?

Let's say that we have several administrators in a network, and that not 
all of them are completely up-to-date on what procedures one of the 
others uses.
Could this other admin set up some kind of pointer on the service which 
he uses hobbit to monitor, either to link a URL with some documentation, 
or to add some text explaining briefly what should be done ?


Stephane Caminade
Administrateur Systemes et Reseaux
                                   \  <Stephane.Caminade at>
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale  /  tel : (33) (1) 69 85 87 03
Batiment 121, Universite Paris XI  \  fax : (33) (1) 69 85 86 75
F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                /  www :


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