[hobbit] Hobbit - Alerts - Groups

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Oct 4 17:36:03 CEST 2006

On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 09:52:58AM -0500, Manning Robert W. wrote:
> I have been looking at the email lists and searching the web but can't
> find an answer.  In BB, you can set up groups of people and clients in
> bbwarnrules and bbwarnsetup so you don't have to list every client
> separately when you set up the alerts.  Does Hobbit have some convention
> like this, or am I doomed to set up a "paragraph" on each client I want
> to alert on?

When you write "client", I assume you mean "host" ?

There are several ways of doing this. You can control alerts by the
hostnames, or the names of the Hobbit webpage they appear on, by the
status column name etc.

The most direct conversion of the BB "hostgroup" concept is to use
the members of your hostgroup in a Hobbit "HOST=..." setting.  E.g. 
the BB sample config has

  hg-routers: rt1 rt2 rt3 router*
  hg-routers host1*;;*;;*;*;root at localhost

In Hobbit, that would be

  	MAIL root at localhost

Note that Hobbit uses regular expressions instead of simple wildcard
matching, so the "router*" from BB becomes "^router.*" in Hobbit, with 
a percent-character in front to flag it as a regular expression, and
pipe-signs to indicate "rt1 OR rt2 OR ...". A simpler expression with 
the same effect would be 


For the page-groups, you can define a macro in hobbit-alerts.cfg and
use that in your alerting rules. Again using the BB sample config:

   pg-routeradmins: joe at localhost joey at localhost joanne at localhost

in Hobbit becomes

   $PGROUTERADMINS=joe at localhost,joey at localhost,joanne at localhost


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