[hobbit] Disable/Enable Individual http's

James Wade jkwade at futurefrontiers.com
Mon Nov 27 20:32:42 CET 2006

Another thought. Is there a way to have it page just the URL that is having

the problem verses all the URL's?





From: James Wade [mailto:jkwade at futurefrontiers.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 1:08 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Disable/Enable Individual http's




Currently when you disable an http test, it disables

all the http tests for a particular host.


We have multiple ports on most of our hosts that we monitor.

When a port is being worked on and down, I have to disable

the other ports when you disable the http for the host.


Is there a way to disable individual URL's in the http test?

Other than removing them from bb-hosts?






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