[hobbit] LDAP Test

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Nov 15 07:32:17 CET 2006

On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 05:11:19PM -0600, James Wade wrote:
> Is there a manual process I can use to see if it's
> trying to do the ldap test. 

As the hobbit user, run
   bbcmd bbtest-net --debug HOSTNAME
where HOSTNAME is the name you have in bb-hosts for your ldap server.

Also, could you please run
   bbcmd bbhostgrep "ldap*"
and let us know what the result is ?

And check the ~hobbit/server/logs/bb-network.log file for any errors.

> One thing is that I originally compiled the program
> without LDAP support enabled, then went back and
> re-enabled support and recompiled and installed.
> Would perhaps something not get changed in the config
> files that should have?



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