custom rrd data graph

Shifter the.shifter at
Wed Nov 8 01:58:13 CET 2006

Hi all,

I've spent a good deal of time today perusing the archives and man pages
hoping to glean the answers to my problem of creating a custom rrd data (not
status) graph.  The process should be similar but darn near everything I've
seen deals with status graphs.

Here's the contents of my ext script on the client:

(stuff to put a value into /tmp/pcpu.txt)
$BB $BBDISP "data $MACHINE.pcpu
`cat /tmp/pcpu.txt`"

The contents of /tmp/pcpu.txt:
pcpu_idle : 97.16

On the server side of things I've modified the hobbitserver.cfg files'
TEST2RRD and GRAPHS lines to append "pcpu_idle=ncv".
I also have this line in the same file: NCV_pcpu_idle="pcpu_idle:GAUGE"

hobbitgraph.cfg also includes this definition:
        TITLE ESX CPU Utilitization
        YAXIS % Used
        -u 100
        LINE2:pbusy#00CC00:% CPU busy
        GPRINT:pbusy:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
        GPRINT:pbusy:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
        GPRINT:pbusy:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
        GPRINT:pbusy:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n

I don't have a pcpu.rrd file in the rrd/host directory which I would expect
to see.  I don't see any error messages in the client logs about not being
able to communicate.  Am I missing something obvious?  Any help would be
appreciated, thanks.

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