[hobbit] [PATCH] hobbitgraph.cgi: adding support for stack (Was: [hobbit] ganglia-style graph aggregation with hobbit)

Tom Georgoulias tomg at mcclatchyinteractive.com
Mon Nov 6 20:53:33 CET 2006

Gildas Le Nadan wrote:

> BEWARE: this patch has been tested on a machine with rrdtool 1.0.x. The 
> values/behavior for rrdtool 1.2.x were taken from the online rrd 
> documentation so they are hopefully correct. If someone was able to test 
> it for me on a server with rrdtool 1.2, I would be very grateful!

I'm a little late on testing this, so hopefully this patch is still the 
latest version.

I have tested the patch with Hobbit 4.2.0 + all-in-one patch and rrdtool 
1.2.15.  It seems to work fine, although I am not seeing data presented 
in the way that I had expected it to look.  I want to use the RRD stack 
to store values taken from the rrd for each host in a given group, then 
get an average of those stored values which is a single data point that 
represents the host group as a whole.

I've been experimenting with a version of the la1-multi definition, but 
I haven't gotten anything to work yet and I'm rather certain that my 
syntax is off in a few places.  I thought I'd email it out anyway, in 
case I can get some pointers or have someone let me know that it won't work.

TITLE Farm CPU Utilitization
YAXIS % Used
FNPATTERN vmstat.rrd
-u 100
DEF:cpu_idl at RRDIDX@=@RRDFN@:cpu_idl:AVERAGE
CDEF:hostcpu at RRDIDX@=100,cpu_idl at RRDIDX@,-
# need a way to push each hostcpu at RRDIDX@ onto the stack
CDEF:cpuavgs=hostcpu at RRDIDX@,AVERAGE
# then get an average of all the values on the stack
# using something like COUNT as the num of items in the stack
# graph the final data point
GPRINT:pbusy:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
GPRINT:pbusy:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
GPRINT:pbusy:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
GPRINT:pbusy:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n

Tom Georgoulias
Systems Engineer
McClatchy Interactive

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