[hobbit] FILE help?

David Gore David.Gore at verizonbusiness.com
Wed May 24 05:09:28 CEST 2006

Since there has not been much response to my cries for help, here is
some more info, although I do appreciate Rich S. for taking a stab at it:

Here is the config:

[hobbit at hobbit2 server]$ cat etc/hobbit-clients.cfg|grep -v '^#'

        FILE /var/tmp/testfile1 yellow mtime>300

        PROC /usr/sbin/cron 1 -1 yellow
        PROC sshd 1 20 yellow
        PROC hobbitlaunch 1 2 yellow
        DISK /backups 95 98
        DISK /export/home 95 98

Here is what I believe to be the root of the problem:

[hobbit at hobbit2 server]$ ./bin/bbcmd --env=etc/hobbitserver.cfg
hobbitd_client --dump-config
FILE /var/tmp/testfile1 yellow mtime>0 HOST=hobbit (line: 139)

PROC /usr/sbin/cron 1 -1 yellow HOST=hobbit (line: 140)
PROC sshd 1 20 yellow HOST=hobbit (line: 141)
PROC hobbitlaunch 1 2 yellow HOST=hobbit (line: 142)
DISK /backups 95% 98% 0 -1 red HOST=hobbit (line: 143)
DISK /export/home 95% 98% 0 -1 red HOST=hobbit (line: 144)

Yeah I know, too bad I didn't dump config at the beginning, but you
probably know how it is if you work support.  You have to know a lot a
about a lot and you only have so much brain power (specifically memory).

Regardless as you can see my 'mtime' value is being lost.  Which was
hinted at in my previous emails when I said the output from the web page
appeared wrong 'Should be <0'.  Henrik, could I please get some feed
back, even if just to acknowledge it's my fault and I have obviously
messed up the configs some where?


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