ldapyellowfail tag

ZanDAhaR allan at zandahar.net
Mon Jun 5 01:27:50 CEST 2006

Hey guys,

Just been playing around with some LDAP tests recently to diagnose some 
issues on a customers LDAP we're hosting and occasionally it decides it 
doesn't want to respond to LDAP..or cant find the uid I'm searching for.

I noticed theres a ldapyellowfail tag which I tried putting in so I got 
email but not paged about it but it doesn't seem to work for me I still 
get red messages. I'd prefer to be able to add this instead of doing a 
separate alert rule so any suggestions would be good.I know the 
ldaplogin works fine as I'm using this on another host that doesnt allow 
anonymous binds

I've got this in my hosts file   dr202.cs.int                            # NK:conn 
ldap://dr202.cs.int:389/o=cls?uid=nadmin1 ldapyellowfail



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