[hobbit] LDAP Query - Base DN with spaces

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Tue Jul 4 10:52:37 CEST 2006

On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 05:25:23PM +1000, ZanDAhaR wrote:
> We have been given an LDAP server to host for someone to use as a 
> directory for another application and would like to do some tests on 
> querying users and the response time rather than just testing that port 
> 389 or 636 responds however the base dn has a space in it.
> I thought about putting it inside quotes but then wasnt sure how much of 
> the string to put into quotes.

You can always put the whole "ldap://...." thing in quotes.

Alternatively, since this is really a URL you can use %-quoting of the
spaces in the URL. E.g. ldap://myserver/my%20dn??sub?uid=100 since
space is ASCII 0x20.

> Also the server requires a bind user name 
> and password there is no anonymous, and 99.9% of the user names also 
> have a space, in this case "ldap manager"

Use ldaplogin="ldap manager" in addition to the ldap://... url.


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