[hobbit] Client log parsing (suggestion)

Aiello, Steve (Corporate, consultant) steve.aiello at ge.com
Thu Jan 19 19:23:49 CET 2006

I was thinking the same thing about using the config parameter of the
hobbit/bigbrother protocol. Only difference in what I was thinking was
one large global file i.e. in the format of the bb-msgstab. Running only
every hour is too long for me. Would need some type of tool to check the
log(s) with only updated info from the last time the log(s) were

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Bob Gordon [mailto:rgordonjr at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:58 PM
	To: hobbit at hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] Client log parsing (suggestion)
	Hi Henrick -
	In one of the previous messages, you had mentioned that you
wanted to keep as much configuration data on the server as possible in
order to make adminstration easier. To that end I offer the following
suggestion for the message configuration..
	In the bb man page (4.1.2 early snapshot) there is a section
that reads as follows:
	     config FILENAME
	          Retrieve one of the Hobbit configuration files from
	          server. This command allows a client to pull files
	          the $BBHOME/etc/ directory on the server, allowing
	          semi-automatic  updates  of  the  client
	          Since the configuration files are designed  to  have
	          common  file  for the configuration of all hosts in
	          system - and this is in fact  the  recommended  way
	          configuring your clients - this makes it easier to
	          the configuration files synchronized.
	Why not set things up as follows:
	1 - On the server have a "hobbit-msg" file that contains default
configuration information that applies to all systems.  (I.E. Alert on
kernel warning and panic messages from the syslog).
	2 - In the same directory (or a subdirectory) have seperate
hobbit-msg.<servername> files that contain specific configuration
information for the specified hosts.
	3 - Once an hour (or other configurable time frame) have the
client systems issue a command to pull the default file as well as the
system specific file from the server.  If the client specific file is
not available use the default file, otherwise use the standard
	Doing it this way would still allow for central administration
of the configuration files as well as allow for custom message parsing
configurations on the target systems..
	Anyways..  Just a thought..
	Later -
	--==[ Bob Gordon ]==-- 

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