[hobbit] conn alerts based on ping time

Rich Smrcina rsmrcina at wi.rr.com
Thu Jan 19 05:01:25 CET 2006

If I missed some other part of the discussion, I apologize.  Couldn't 
this just be handled by the code that analyzes the fping results?

For hosts that need to respond in a certain amount of time, maybe add a 
number to the conn test indicator: myhost # conn:3

Without the above specification everything would work as before, but 
with it if a ping to myhost goes more than 3 seconds generate a red 

Henrik Stoerner wrote:
> I just need to come up with a good way of configuring it, and design
> the status-override mechanism to work sanely with history logs and
> such (you don't want the RRD override to show up in the history logs
> in a way so the status flip-flops between green from the network
> tester and red from the RRD override).

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Main: (262)392-2026
Cell: (414)491-6001
Ans Service:  (360)715-2467
rich.smrcina at vmassist.com

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