[hobbit] memory usage and hobbit

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Feb 22 23:22:16 CET 2006

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 05:11:02PM -0500, Wes Neal wrote:
> I have been using Hobbit for awhile, but I still have all my old bb19
> clients installed and reporting to the Hobbit server.  I need to monitor
> memory for a new system so I thought I would try the Hobbit client this time
> around.  The package is listed as this:
>  hobbit-client_4.1.2p1-1_sparc.deb 
> Why does the Sparc package have a .deb file extension?

Because it's a package for Debian GNU/Linux running on Sun SPARC hardware.

> How can I had a Debian package to a Solaris system?

You cannot. But you can easily build the Hobbit client for Solaris.
Grab the Hobbit sources, configure with "./configure --client" and
run "make; make install"

I just don't provide a pre-built package for Solaris. My production
systems happen to run Linux, even though the hardware is from Sun.

> Is there another way to monitor memory on a system without using the 
> new Hobbit client?

The deadcat bb_memory add-on still works for the BB client.


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