Another odd-ball question -- can I get alerts when a dial-up device connects?

Kauffman, Tom KauffmanT at
Mon Feb 20 21:51:47 CET 2006

We have a number of manufacturing and warehouse sites that do bar-code
scanning with rf 'guns'. We've been through a cycle of equipment
upgrades and swapouts, and I now have about a dozen new rf access points
configured in hobbit that are still in the box and not hooked up.

I've currently configured them as 'dialup', so we don't get pestered by
alerts. But I'd like to know when they actually get installed, so I can
drop the 'dialup' tag. Is there a way to do it?

We don't currently use the 'NK' pages -- I'm tempted to put these
devices, with the 'conn' test, on the NK page and just check it from
time to time. Is there a better way?


Tom Kauffman
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