[hobbit] Logfile monitoring - I'd like some comments

David Gore David.Gore at verizonbusiness.com
Thu Feb 16 23:45:08 CET 2006

Perhaps this is possible?  What we would like to have is a way to tie a 
specific log file alert with some text on what to do about the error.

In other words, if you caught something like 'FATAL - something just 
broke down on proc AE56F', obviously you would see this on the Hobbit 
web page, but it would be nice if we could include some text on how to 
fix it or at least identify to the end-user why we care about what might 
appear to them as a very cryptic log file entry.

Does that make sense?  Optionally add how to fix, or explanatory text 
for each log file entry that you alarm on?


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