[hobbit] Premature end of script headers: bb-hostsvc.sh, referer: ...

Frédéric Mangeant frederic.mangeant at steria.com
Thu Feb 9 11:33:06 CET 2006

Henrik Stoerner a écrit :
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 03:58:50PM -0500, Camp, Neil D. (ManTech) CTR wrote:
>> Hello all. I finally got everything compiled and installed on an HP-UX
>> server. I have added the recommended lines to my httpd.conf, but now
>> every time I try to drill down on any of the tests I get and error 500
>> page and the following error in my webserver log...
>> Premature end of script headers: bb-hostsvc.sh, referer:
>> https://odin......
> What happens if you do it like this (from a command line):
>    REQUEST_URI="" \
>    QUERY_STRING="HOSTSVC=yourserver,deca,mil.conn" \
>    ~hobbit/cgi-bin/bb-hostsvc.sh
> (note the use of commas in the hostname instead of dots).
> I would expect you to get some sort of error message ...

Hi Henrik

I'm having the same problem on my test system with Hobbit 4.2-pre from 
02/09 snapshot (snapshot from 01/31 works fine) :

QUERY_STRING="HOSTSVC=hades.disk" /BB/hobbit/cgi-bin/bb-hostsvc.sh
Content-type: text/html

<html><head><title>Invalid request</title></head>
<body>Invalid request</body></html>

It works fine using the BB client :

$ ./bb localhost "hobbitdboard hades.disk"
Thu Feb  9 11:31:29 CET 2006 - Disk partitions on hades OK


Frédéric Mangeant

Steria EDC Sophia-Antipolis

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