Custom RRD script

Hubbard, Greg L greg.hubbard at
Tue Feb 7 16:11:00 CET 2006

Hobbit Folk,

I have been struggling with the custom RRD capabilities in the latest
version of Hobbit.  I think I've found the issue -- if custom tests are
listed in the TEST2RRD variable, then those tests are not forwarded to
the test-script for action.  Has anyone else noticed this?

I've been through the source and can't find a reference to the TEST2RRD
environment variable (but I am not much of a C programmer), so I can't
verify/validate this behavior.  But I have verified it by
adding/subtracting my custom tests to the TEST2RRD variable and watching
my debug output.  Also, based on some recent mail, I think I know where
to look now...

Can anyone comment on this?  I would really like to be able to include
my custom RRD graphs on the status pages...

I am using Solaris 8 on SPARC, Hobbit version is hobbit-4.1.2p1.


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