ping and traceroute

Rolf Schrittenlocher Schrittenlocher at
Thu Dec 21 07:58:37 CET 2006

Good morning,

this is an idea for a feature request. It would be nice if there would 
happen a traceroute automatically if conn/ping fails. So the result of 
traceroute could be displayed in addition to the negative ping results 
and we would know if the problem is at in our net or outside.

Alternative: All standart tests of hobbit would allow to add scripts to 
be executed once a test fails. So everyone can handle this as (s)he likes.

I wish all of you a silent pager the next days!

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Schrittenlocher

HRZ/BDV, Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt
Tel: (49) 69 - 798 28908   Fax: (49) 69 798 2881
LBS: lbs-f at
Persoenlich: schritte at 

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