[hobbit] Question about Disk RULE

Richard Leon rleon at racenter.com
Wed Dec 20 20:21:00 CET 2006

Same thing.

Here is my whole file.




        DISK /depot 98 99

        DISK /omni 98 99

        DISK /var/opt/ignite 99 100

        DISK    * 90 95

        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow

        FILE /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log SIZE>0 MTIME<600 yellow



        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow

        DISK    * 100 101

        FILE /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log SIZE>0 MTIME<600 yellow



        PROC cron 1 -1 yellow

        DISK /g98 90 95

        DISK /g01 80 90

        DISK /j01 80 90

        DISK /i98 90 95

        DISK /home 80 90

        DISK %^/i.*/ 100 100

        DISK %^/j.*/ 100 100  

        DISK %^/g.*/ IGNORE

        #DISK %^/g.*/ 100 100 



        # These are the built-in defaults.

        UP      1h

        LOAD    5.0 10.0

        DISK /cdrom IGNORE

        MEMPHYS 100 101

        MEMSWAP 90 95

        MEMACT  90 97

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