huge number of logs - different ignores

Rolf Schrittenlocher Schrittenlocher at
Mon Dec 11 16:12:49 CET 2006


I have a huge number of logs - names are changing often - whose name 
correspond all to "/raid0/log/*/*err
I get them into msg with the following rule in client-local.cfg:
log:`find /raid0/log -name \*err -size +2c -exec ls -1 {} \;`:10240

My problem: I need different ignores for each of those logs. Any way to 
achieve that?
Thanks for help to you all and thanks for hobbit, Henrik

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Schrittenlocher

HRZ/BDV, Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt
Tel: (49) 69 - 798 28908   Fax: (49) 69 798 2881
LBS: lbs-f at
Persoenlich: schritte at 

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