# of filesystems displayed in "disk" column is 1, but 5 in trends column

Tom Georgoulias tomg at mcclatchyinteractive.com
Mon Aug 14 14:41:11 CEST 2006

I feel like I've solved this problem before, but if so, I can't remember 
how.  :)

I'm using some modified versions of the filerstats2bb perl scripts to 
collect data from my netapp filers, and ever since my upgrade from 
4.1.2p1 -> 4.2.0, I no longer have 5 filesystems/graph displayed in the 
graph under the disk column.  I do have 5/graph in the graph under the 
trends column, though.

Comparing the two URLs for the graph under the disk column, I see that 
"count=5" is included in 4.1.2p1, and "count=1" for 4.2.  How is that 
value generated and passed to hobbitgraph.sh?  Why is it different for 
the disk and trends columns?


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