Database test: on deadcat and sourceforge

Francesco Duranti fduranti at
Sun Aug 6 18:44:15 CEST 2006

Hello all, 
I've just released the first version of a perl script to check
oracle/informix/sqlserver databases.
It can be found on deadcat and at
This perl script will get data from the Database Server using DBI/DBD
Perl Library. 
At this moment it will work with SQLServer,Oracle and Informix (I will
add mysql in the near future). 
For sqlserver and informix for now only connection and database space
are checked. For oracle there are many tests done (mostly the same as
the bb-roracle.ksh + some custom ones):Connection, Audit table report,
Tablespace, Extent, PinLib/HitCache, Memory Request, Invalid Objects,
Rollback, Locks, Sessions and Processes. 
The program was fully tested under Hobbit but should work also on BB. 
The tests are not done if the connection test is failing. Sessions and
Cache statistics are also gathered for graphs by hobbit.
Thanks all :D


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