[hobbit] Shire: update

Galen Johnson gjohnson at trantor.org
Wed Aug 2 05:37:10 CEST 2006

I'm actually considering setting up a wiki if SF will let me (I'm fond 
of Dokuwiki myself).   It would seem to me that samples for the configs 
would be more appropriate for the main Hobbit site but I'm not against 
adding the category.  I'm pretty sure there is already a basic framework 
for this set up (at least there's some information that could be easily 
expanded upon).  I'm looking around to determine if I'm going to need to 
create a tool or if there is one that's satisfactory available for the 
interface (to help make it searchable and user friendly)...

I've been mulling over these categories:

System (disks, network, etc)
Services (mail, applications, etc)
Environment (temp, etc)
Database (pretty self-explanatory)
Security (firewall, tripwire, snort, etc)
Web (http, https, app servers, etc)

If a category is seen as growing too large, we might consider creating 

It would seem to make sense to have a page dedicated to sample (working) 
configurations...you can get a good idea of this from the Proftpd 
site...they have several examples from simple to complex.


Brodie, Kent wrote:

>One category I'd like to see is a place for user-created config files to
>go as examples.  For example, sample bb-hosts files, hobbit-clients.cfg,
>hobbit-alerts.cfg, etc.    I had a wee bit of struggling to get the
>behavior of some of the alerting rules right, for example.
>As far as categories in general, I agree deadcat has too many.....
>My $0.02:
>Config Examples
>At least to start with- perhaps a few more.    I think most items can be
>lumped in here somewhere.
>Kent C. Brodie - brodie at phys.mcw.edu
>Department of Physiology
>Medical College of Wisconsin
>(414) 456-8590
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Galen Johnson [mailto:gjohnson at trantor.org] 
>Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 10:44 PM
>To: hobbit at hswn.dk
>Subject: Re: [hobbit] Shire: update
>Galen Johnson wrote:
>>Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on the new monitor site that 
>>is being set up (theshire.sf.net)...Sourceforge accepted it late last 
>>night ( around midnight EDT).   I want to work with Henrik a bit to 
>>make sure that our visions converge on this.  I also need to set up 
>>the categories (at a minimum) before turning everyone loose...I would 
>>prefer there to be some structure in place beforehand.  Please be 
>>patient...I really appreciate everyone's enthusiasm for this project 
>>and I hope to have everything going in the next few days.  It's also 
>>been a LONG time since I've done anything on SF and need to refresh my
>>memory about things (and become familiar with some of the new tools).
>>To unsubscribe from the hobbit list, send an e-mail to
>>hobbit-unsubscribe at hswn.dk
>OK...we're getting to the point to where we need to consider the 
>categories...personally, I think deadcat has too many.  I'd like to keep
>the categories as straightforward as possible.  I'm open to ideas as to 
>what the basic categories should be...I'm also going to see how many 
>times I can use the word categories in this email...
>I'm hoping the the BBWin folks will consider using this area as well.  
>I'm not going to prompt with the list of categories I have in mind as 
>I'd rather hear what other users think first.
>I'd also like to provide a tutorial on writing monitoring scripts 
>complete with the graphing and alerting.  Henrik has provided some basic
>framework for a basic client and server script.  I should probably go 
>back through the archives to see what already exists as well (if you 
>know of something, by all means, please point me to it).
>I have a developers list and announcement list set up.  I still need to 
>flesh the details out a bit more.   I'd like to set up a job that 
>automatically sends a daily report to the announce list if new/updated 
>monitors are added but I'm going to have to figure that out later.  (I 
>can see why Henrik hasn't found the time to tackle this :-) )

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