[hobbit] I'm starting to look at setting up 'propr' monitoring for my production SAP environment, and wonder if anyone else is playing with HACMP clusters

Rolf Schrittenlocher Schrittenlocher at rz.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Apr 27 16:01:25 CEST 2006

Hi Tom,

>I need to split the monitoring for SAP and Oracle from the monitoring of
>the host it runs on -- because, in an IBM HACMP environment, the
>workload can move. So the oracle tests, *some* of the disk space tests,
>and *some* of the proc tests move from one box to another.
>So does the primary IP address.
>I need to be able to track 'colorado' the box (the hostname does NOT
>move) as well as 'colorado' the IP address. 'Colorado' the address could
>actually be pointing to the 'thames' or 'yukon' boxes. At which time,
>'colorado' the box will be responding to the 'colorado-bt' adapter
>address (if 'colorado' the box is up at all).
>I can get some of what I want by running two clients, one for 'colorado'
>the box, and one for 'SAP' or some other such synthetic name. The
>biggest two challenges I see are splitting the OS filesystems from the
>application filesystems for freespace reporting, and the shifting IP
>address. I may have an 'out' on the IP address in the future, if I can
>migrate to what IBM calls 'aliasing' -- where they add the running
>address as a second address on the adapter and respond to both.
>And to make this a bit more fun, I have THREE of these silly
>environments to work with.
>Henrik, is there any way to hang two different IP addresses on the same
>bb-host entry such that the network connectivity test will be happy if
>either one responds? They are always on the same IP network, just
>different host addresses (our convention is to add 100 to the last octet
>to get the boot-time address for the matching run-time address).
>Is anyone else doing something silly like this?
Not the same but similar. We have 1-3 virtual hosts on each machine. 
There is only one hobbit client installation but one instance running 
for each host on all machines. Custom scripts differ for these hosts. 
 From serverside we treat them as different machines so e.g. disk is 
surveyed completely for all hosts. But you could easily disable the 
normal disk test and replace it by a custom script which greps for the 
interesting partitions.

kind regards

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Schrittenlocher

HRZ/BDV, Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt 
Tel: (49) 69 - 798 28908   Fax: (49) 69 - 798 28817
LBS: lbs-f at mlist.uni-frankfurt.de
Persoenlich: schritte at rz.uni-frankfurt.de

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