[hobbit] Ping tests and alerts

Bob Gordon rgordonjr at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 21:42:40 CEST 2005

On 10/19/05, Jeff Stuart <jeff at myismail.com> wrote:
> Is there any way to modify the ping tests to only go red if a server is
> not responding to ping tests for more than 15 minutes? Some of the
> servers I need to test are on the west coast and sometimes don't respond
> right away to the first ping due to net conditions. I only want it to
> go red if it's been down for longer than 15 minutes.

Not sure about changing the actual test, but if its the alerting that is the
issue, you could use DURATION>15m in the hobbit-alerts.cfg for the hosts in
question. That would delay the first page for the 15 minutes needed...

--==[ Bob Gordon ]==--
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