[hobbit] more cpu graphing questions

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Oct 12 18:35:07 CEST 2005

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:01:23AM -0500, Scheblein, Adam wrote:
> I was looking through the hobbitgraph.cfg file and found that there is
> now an LA1 test -- is there any way to make the hobbit cpu test go off
> of this rather than the load.

Will include an option for this soon. I think it makes more sense now to
base the "cpu" test off the vmstat data than the load average. (The
"la1" test is a simple graph of the non-idle CPU time percentage, as 
reported by vmstat).

> Also, what is the la-multi test, and how
> can I get it to show up?

The la-multi graph - as well as the other *-multi graphs - are for
comparing a single graph on multiple hosts. There's currently no front-
end to build the URL's needed for the graphs, but you can do it by hand:

1) Find the base graph you want, e.g. the cpu "load average" graph for 
   one of your hosts.
2) In your browser, right-click the graph and select "view image" or
   "open image". You now have a view of your load graph only.
3) In the adress bar field you'll see the URL for this image. E.g.
   Now, you can add more hosts after the "host=..." part of the URL - 
   just list all of your hosts separated by commas. Like

Voila - one graph with the load of two hosts. Note that this only
works for some graphs (basically, those that it makes sense to compare);
e.g. you cannot compare the disk utilisation for two hosts.


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