Running bb-sar LARRD on hobbbit server

Alon Ofek AlonO at BEZEQINT.CO.IL
Thu Nov 24 14:05:08 CET 2005

Hello all,

I have seen a few items regarding installing SAR LARRD on Hobbit.

Follow the instructions bellow and that should work (worked for me):


1.	Change the hobbitlaunch.cfg and add the to handle LARRD
specific scripts: 


        ENVFILE /usr/local/Hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg

        NEEDS hobbitd

        CMD hobbitd_channel --channel=status
--log=$BBSERVERLOGS/rrd-status.log hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=$BBVAR/rrd

t=/usr/local/larrd/ --extra-tests=sar

2.	restart your hobbitd 
3.	change the to get the input file from the command line
for each server running the test

use lib qw{/usr/local/larrd}; # LARRDHOME hardcoded

require "";



# Start of script



my $commahost = shift;

my $testName = shift ; # run the specific test. 

my $log = shift ;      # The log file from Hobbit_rrd

my $mod = $testName ;


if( not $ENV{'BBHOME'} ) {

        print "$0: BBHOME is not set\n";




if( not -d $ENV{'BBHOME'} ) {

        print "$0: BBHOME is invalid\n";





# Generate the html



`$ENV{'LARRDHOME'}/ >> $ENV{'LARRDLOG'} 2>&1`;




# real work begins here



if( not -d $ENV{'BBRRDS'} ) {

        mkdir "$ENV{'BBRRDS'}",0755;

        print "$0 did not find $ENV{'BBRRDS'}, created.\n";



foreach $type ("pl","sh") {

   if( -f "$ENV{'LARRDHOME'}/$mod-larrd.$type") {

        `$ENV{'LARRDHOME'}/$mod-larrd.$type  $commahost $log >>
$ENV{'LARRDLOG'} 2>&1`; 





# end of script



4.	Specific for you must change the script to process
specific log file and update the RRD files. You must change the RRD
location to meet the new Hobbit standard:

# Where should the RRD's be kept?

# pronounced birds

$ENV{'BBRRDS'}="$ENV{'BBVAR'}/rrd/$commahost"; ( Don't forget to change
the RRD time step that is based on the old LOG location:

     #my $ctime = (stat("$ENV{'BBLOGS'}/${commahost}.sar"))[10];  # Old
what to do it

      my $ctime = (stat("$log"))[10];


5.	Change the for environment variable
6.	Change the sar-grapher.cgi and replace @rrds array with:

@rrds = sort(&glob("$ENV{'BBRRDS'}/$commahost/$commahost.SAR_n_*.rrd"));



If you need add DEBUG=1 to your file the test the
LARRDOUT file for errors.


It works great for me but you must think of the performance penalty when
you add more LARRD graphs. 

If anyone find a way to integrate it into the Hobbit_rrd  - I'll be
happy to hear. Perl is much easier then C to do the sar output



Alon Ofek

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