[hobbit] Question

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Nov 18 21:27:39 CET 2005

On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 02:17:29PM -0600, Jeff Newman wrote:
> Hi,
>  New to hobbit/bb and have a question.
>  I have a bunch of AIX hosts, and for whatever dumb reason, AIX doesn't have
> "DF" settings say that they don't do anything.
>  So my question is, how can I exclude a filesystem from being monitored in
> hobbit? NFS or not, is there a way to simply
> say "hobbit just totally forget you even know /foo exists period" :-)

Two ways that I can think of:

1) Modify the client script that runs on your AIX boxes, so it doesn't
   report those filesystems. The script that collects the disk info
   is the ~hobbit/client/hobbitclient-aix.sh script; you'll see it is
   a fairly simple shell script. You can easily apply some filtering code
   to the "df" output to leave out certain filesystems, e.g.

       df | grep -v "^/foo"

   will remove all lines beginning with "/foo".

2) Keep the client script as is, and setup the hobbit-clients.cfg file
   to allow 100% utilisation for these filesystems. There's and example
   of that in the commented-out part of that file, but it basically is

           DISK /foo 101 101

   You can combine this with the NORRDDISKS setting in hobbitserver.cfg
   if you also want to drop these filesystem from the disk graphs.


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