[hobbit] Monitoring syslog and other log files

Charles Jones jonescr at cisco.com
Thu Nov 10 19:28:02 CET 2005

It sounds like your missing piece of the puzzle is bb-msgstab, have you 
edited it or otherwise customized it?


Allan.Marillier at dana.com wrote:

> Somebody please point me at some docs on setting filters for syslog 
> and other log file monitoring, or give me some starting point. I've 
> checked the archive, browsed through the installation and config 
> pages, looked through man pages, and I'm just not seeing it.
> I have the standard configs on my clients, with clientlaunch.cfg and 
> hobbitclient.cfg. I tried sending a few test messages to syslog using
> logger -p ERR test and logger -p ERROR test, but get nothing reported.
> hobbitclient.cfg has the default setup with the following. This is not 
> the same as processes, disk etc. is it, where the client config is no 
> longer used, but is set on the hobbit server?
> # For the msgs check
> BBMSGSTAB="$BBHOME/etc/bb-msgstab"
> MSGEXPIRE="30:60"
> MSGFILE="/var/log/messages"
> Thanks. 

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