[hobbit] Hobbit client external script debugging

David Gore David.Gore at mci.com
Tue Nov 8 17:07:01 CET 2005

 From the hobbit client install:

~client/bin/bbcmd <path_to_script>

Perhaps something like:

client> bin/bbcmd sh -x ext/myscript.sh or

client> bin/bbcmd perl -ds ext/myscript.pl


*e-mail via SUSE Linux 9.3 and other open source tools.

Pat Vaughan wrote:
> How do people who run the hobbit client debugging their external scripts? 
> With BB I usually export BBHOME and run $BBHOME/etc/bbdef.sh from my
> current shell and I can run my external scripts in the forground and see
> what they're doing.
> I suppose that I could change my external scripts to run every minute or
> two and monitor the log files, but I'd rather run them as needed while
> working on them.  Or I could keep around a BB client for each platform
> that I need to tweak scripts on.
> Is there another option that I've overlooked?
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