[hobbit] netstat statistic problem

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Sat May 21 14:36:59 CEST 2005

On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 10:22:39AM +0200, Dirk Kastens wrote:
> I just discovered a problem with hobbit and netstat
> statistics. It seems that hobbit cannot handle values
> greater than 2^31. When I look at the netstat graphs
> of some of our hosts, the values of the in and out packets
> suddenly fell down to zero. When I call netstat -s on
> the hosts, the number of segments received or send out
> are above 2^31. The graphs from hosts where the values
> are below this limit are normal.

You're right, there's an "atol" conversion that shouldn't 
happen. On 32-bit systems like most Intel-based systems, that 
is bad.

Will fix ...


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