[hobbit] problem with hobbitd_alert

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon May 16 11:40:24 CEST 2005

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 10:18:16AM +0200, Roberto Tagliaferri wrote:
> I've configured the alert and they works fine, but hobbit signal to me 
> tha hobbitd_alert is fault:
>  - Program crashed
> Fatal signal caught!

There ought to be a core-file somewhere - probably in

Could you try running this command for me:

   cd ~hobbit/server
   gdb bin/hobbitd_alert tmp/core

then at the "gdb>" prompt type the command "bt" and send me the output ?

Of course, if the core-file is not tmp/core, change the command to
use the real core filename.

If possible, please send me the hobbit-alerts.cfg file also (just send
it to me directly, not to the list).


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