changing the enable/disable menu link behavior

Tom Georgoulias tgeorgoulias at
Mon May 9 20:25:26 CEST 2005

I just noticed that after I upgraded to rc2, selecting the 
enable/disable tool from the menu when viewing a group of systems only 
allows me to enadis those systems in the group that I was just viewing. 
    The only way to see all systems on my network is to go back to the 
main view, then use the enadis tool.  (Or I can cheat and click "Apply 
filters" in the Filter Hostlist box while leaving all the search fields 

How can I revert back to the old way, where selecting enable/disable 
from the menu will display all the systems?  I can see how this new 
behavior is useful, but I've also witnessed first hand how it can be 
confusing as well.


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