hobbitd_larrd crash

Bruce Lysik blysik at shutterfly.com
Mon Mar 7 19:05:25 CET 2005

Hi.  So hobbitd_larrd has been crashing on my hobbit install.  I don't see any core files anywhere, but I see this in larrd-data.log:

2005-02-23 15:15:25 xfree: Trying to free a NULL pointer2005-02-23 15:15:25 Worker process died with ex
it code 134, terminating
2005-02-23 15:25:33 xfree: Trying to free a NULL pointer2005-02-23 15:25:33 Worker process died with ex
it code 134, terminating
2005-02-23 16:06:43 Worker process died with exit code 0, terminating
2005-02-23 16:06:43 Could not get shm of size 102400: No such file or directory
2005-02-23 16:06:43 Channel not available

I'm using the custom larrd graphs, and I figure the crashes started after I implemented it.  Any info I can provide to track this down?


Bruce Z. Lysik  <blysik at shutterfly.com>
Operations Engineer

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