DOWNTIME in bb-hosts not working for client-based test

Robert Edeker idxman01 at
Mon Mar 7 02:44:26 CET 2005


  So this weekend was the first time I've had hobbit running during a
reboot of two monitored servers and while it didn't alert during the
specified DOWNTIME for network tests, it started sending purple
messages 30m later when the client-based tests weren't reporting.

The bb-hosts entry looks something like:

ip host # DOWNTIME:0:0400:0445 ftp ssh etc..

The server reboots at 4am and takes about 12-15 minutes to get moving
again. (ibm h70)  So a cron starts the cluster at 4:30 which in turn
starts the bb client.

Bug or something to change in my config?

Thank You,


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