[hobbit] zoom-in feature for graphs doesn't work for safari browser

Lee J. Imber toaster at imber.com
Fri Jun 3 16:53:00 CEST 2005

No open option, just a download option. :(

On Jun 3, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Henrik Stoerner wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 09:47:43AM -0400, Lee J. Imber wrote:
>> Zoom works for me fine with Safari in Tiger.
>> What doesn't work are some of the reports.
>> When I try to generate a availability report or a snapshot report I
>> get a download dialog box like it wants to download a file called bb-
>> rep.sh.
>> This is also true on IE on mac (yuk).
>> Although Firefox works just fine.
> Since report generation can take some time, the bb-rep CGI starts by
> sending your browser a response of the type "multipart/mixed". This is
> two html documents; the first one shows a "please wait while  
> generating
> report..." thing, the second is a redirect to send your browser off to
> the actual URL for the final report.
> Konqueror (from KDE, has some common code with Safari) does the same
> thing, but does allow me the choice of either saving the response to a
> file or opening it in the browser. If I select "Open" it works as it
> should. Does Safari allow that ? Have you tried it ?
> Regards,
> Henrik
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