[hobbit] Http test behind proxy

Kevin Hanrahan Kevin at ewormhole.com
Fri Jan 28 19:42:51 CET 2005

Thank you for that info. In doing this I noticed something that may not be
considered a bug but maybe an annoyance?...you decide.

The format stated is:

 If your proxy requires authentication, you can specify the username and
password inside the proxy-part of the URL, e.g. 

will authenticate to the proxy using a username of "fred" and a password of
"Wilma1", before requesting the proxy to fetch the www.foo.com homepage

But my password contains the "@" symbol (which appears to be the delimiter
between password and proxy server) and when I used it in this example:


I got a DNS error. I am guessing it thought my proxy was "ssword" or maybe
"ssword at webproxy.sample.com which is incorrect and could no be resolved.
Is there a way around this? 

In my case, I just created another user with a password that didn't contain
the "@" but this might not be possible for others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Stoerner [mailto:henrik at hswn.dk] 
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:17 AM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Http test behind proxy
Importance: Low

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 11:52:54PM -0500, Kevin Hanrahan wrote:
> My Hobbit server sits behind a proxy server that requires 
> authentication before it will allow access to the internet. How do I 
> test external hosts (for http for instance) from here? Is there a way 
> to pass credentials to the proxy server to allow access?

See the bb-hosts man-page, in the section "HTTP Testing via proxy"


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