load avg y-axis units a bit odd

Tom Georgoulias tgeorgoulias at nandomedia.com
Fri Jan 28 13:50:13 CET 2005

I have several servers who's load avg is often below 1.0 for days at a 
time.  This morning I happened to check their larrd graphs and noticed 
that they all had rather odd (at least in the load average sense of 
things) Y-axis scaling.  Instead of a fractional value like 0.2, 0.8, 
they read 200m, 800m.  My BB server with larrd-0.43c, which is graphing 
the same data (it uses BBRELAY to send it to hobbit), uses the 
fractional units and I verified my hobbitgraphs.cfg la rrd definitions 
(seen below) matched those in BB/larrd.  Is this something hobbit does? 
  I used the same rrdtool tarball to build both my BB & hobbit servers, 
so I don't think it's the rrd toolkit.


         TITLE CPU Load
         YAXIS Load
         AREA:la#00CC00:CPU Load Average
         GPRINT:la:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
         GPRINT:la:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
         GPRINT:la:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
         GPRINT:la:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n

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