"apache" bb-hosts directive causes crashes

Charles Jones jonescr at cisco.com
Thu Jan 20 06:08:54 CET 2005

When I try using the "apache" keyword in bb-hosts, it causes hobbits 
network tests to crash and fail.  The result is statuses are still 
updated by remote bb-clients, but all the outgoing hobbit tests (apache, 
httpd, conn, dns) fail and turn purple.  The "bbtest" status also turns 
red and says "program crashed!"

I verified that the host I am testing with the apache directive has the 
proper conf for http://IP.OF.HOST/server-status?auto to work.

I have taken the apache directive out, and everything is green again.  
It's just a test server, so I would be glad to reproduce the error and 
send any info you need.  OS is Solaris10, Hobbit beta 5+patch.


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